Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 44
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Juhyeon is a victim in terms of child negligence but her past doesn’t excuse her for bullying Jeongmin. Yes, Jeongmin did abandon her but I would probably do the same since she is being a bad influence. I don’t completely despised Juhyeon. I actually pity her as no adult was their to teach her and guide her. I like this story as it portrays human nature. That we as human have lots of flaws. It just a manner of how we go about the challenges we were given. I’m hoping to see how it goes.
@Wyvern @adelajde I wholeheartedly agree with the both of you.
They were both victims of each other if you think about it..
Are you completely heartless? She was very clearly neglected as a child. Being rich doesn’t make up for the fact that she didn’t have a parental figure to teach her right from wrong. The only things her Mom taught her were bad ways of thinking. Yes, she’s wrong for bullying Jeongmin, but think realistically for a second and realise she’s a victim too. Not of Jeongmin, but of her neglectful parents. If you don’t teach a child how to be a good person and how to communicate then they won’t be.
Some of you people are so dumb you don’t know how to think critically for a moment.
This so-called “tragic” backstory is nothing but a boring and selfish monologue about a bratty rich girl with “problems”.😒 Is this SERIOUSLY the reason why she bullied Jeogmin for so long?
Bish be selfish till the end she deserves getting cut off