Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 43
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nahhhh the misunderstandings 😫
They were honestly just kids….
I feel sad for juhyeon and this story shows how the both of them are u perfect and have their own emotional and personality flaws
Aaaaah!!!! I feel relatable to juhyeon now!! Ughh
manhwawonderland, I 100 percent agree
Different life
different status
different personalities
different issues
different people…..
So they basically misunderstood each other. Different Lifes ruined just because they didn’t talk to each other. That’s why: Communication is the key.
I feel sorry for Juhyeon. No child is born evil. She just wanted to be noticed and loved for who she truly are. This doesn’t justify the horrible bullying Jeongmin had gone through tho but you get my point. It’s sad that this misunderstanding went so far.