Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 4
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Can’t she tell the truth? Is she mute or dumb?
What the fuck go is fucking irritating me why is she acting so pathetic. Can she not even at least say something. If things continue like this I’m going th drop this rubbish
@gazzily_afk it’s just chap 4 and the author did warn us that this might be annoying for some readers…
huh these people are so stupid??? so they are like it’s okay to bully someone if someone had bully someone in past…. so let’s become a bully we dislike? and there is a difference one can choose to be cold but what they are doing is clearly crossing the line and shamelessly open about it
Eun noona
Oh my gosh can this be done already 🙄😕
When does the ML come in so I can skip to it, honestly how do people get bullied like this
🙄 if someone tried to bully me, i always reasoned back. Bitches. Don’t let anyone bully you, or they’ll get complacent and continue to do so
she looks like Trashta, i mean Rashta from Remarried Empress
My brain can’t handle this
This is so interesting and sad. In her frame of reference she must really be in hell because she feels like she has no other choice but to put up with this.
I’ve always been the type who is super into horror and scary stuff. But why is that whenever I see scenes about bullying I get goosebumps? I’ve never actually experienced how it felt to get bullied in school yet just seeing it fictionally is enough to make me feel distressed. I finally understand what that warning in the beginning of the chapter was about. To anyone who’s ever been bullying or is being bullied I sincerely hope that you can one day find peace.
Yong Hee Choi
I have the same experience as Jeongmin. She did nothing wrong. Juhyeon’s the real villain here, I have a friend that is the carbon copy of Juhyeon. Trust me, it’s way worse than hell, I would rather go to hell than continue living.
*sigh* It looks so bad, especially since she never even gave an alternative excuse.