Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 32
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nahyeok biting the curb 4k
ahhh I can’t wait to see that shitty golden eyed bastard tasting sand
i feel so bad for him. he dosent deseerve this.
Poor him 🙁
I really can’t blame them for being mad at him for calling so late, I’d be annoyed too. I’m just glad they aren’t telling him to his face
Just when tears if joy were going to seep out after seeing that Siyun actually has some real friends- But his ex co-trainees are also humans so I can’t really shift too must blame onto them. Just today I screamed at my own mom for turning the lights on when I was sleeping so it’d be really hypocritical of me to say they’re wrong for how they reacted…
That’s a trip to be a villain 😔