Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 3
You don't have anything in histories
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should i take revenge for u😈👀
The fl wasn’t really a bully. It was the blonde girl who kept telling the fl to stop hanging out with her friends. Of course if someone I befriended suddenly told me to stop hanging out with my old friends then I would cut off that kind of person as they are Toxic. So that blonde girl was really a toxic person they are the kind of people that are dangerous to befriend with honestly
huh? they are soo stupid you hated a bully so you chose to become one? what bitchy level is this guess all are foolss….
Yikes. If you can’t win by fighting, then at least try another tactic. Don’t just stand still. This would be the optimal time to pull the white lotus move. Act sweet, and innocent. Get pity and be kind and happy with everyone around you. Acting sullen makes you seem guilty.
Bro why are they looking at her legs in the first place ?