Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 25
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I wish fl would not stay mad at him bcz he helped the most when no one did soooo
i feel bad for him, i mean he did help her with allot off stuff
Okay hear me out, Jeongmin is sh*t. I know that he lied to her, but let’s be real, he’s done so much for her. He listens to all her stupid requests because he likes her but now she’s calling him worthless. I feel bad for her because she was embarrassed, but she treats him like a slave
i feel so bad for her. she looked so pathetic when he met her outside with her enemy.
hes a useless and totally loser,,, I might dropped this manwha…. What a weird idea of this author!!!
You know you fucked up when you make the chill guy that just says the brutal truth but not in a rude way sad, like that’s just fucked up honestly
The only thing I can relate this to is in a story my cousin said in a fam reunion.
Poor her… Heartbroken being.,that whore should get a knife to the stomach by now
Felt like someone was pushing a knife deeper and deeper into my guts the more I continued to read this chapter.