Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 17
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yas hate her👍👀
ahahahhahahahaha foolish girls you were all so busy calling her saint so what now also doing shit to others you are so blind to your own actions but when something happens to you, you all moan in pain tsk tsk
Eun noona
Ha!it’s about time that snake sheds skin🙄
ITS SO COOL TO SEE THEM TURN ON EACH OTHER!!! They’re like vultures lmao
i have already made my theories about Juhyoen in the past, i read the comments here and agree, no doubt she’s petty. but also much to psychopathic for her own good, and should get help. as an elementary student we already see her twisted side, however…. i have questions: why is she like that at such a young age, who made that happen? why would she take it out on our mc? many more follow but you get the idea, she’s a petty, delusional, psychopathic, digusting, and disheartening cum slut
The agonies of a collectivist culture… all of these people act like they’re gonna die if they don’t have friends. But I guess its true in this context. 🤔
I’ve made a lot of assumptions about Juhyeon and her motives but my final conclusion is…
She’s a petty, delusional, bitch
Yong Hee Choi
Finally! Finally, she’s showing her true colors!
Shes ruining herself ??♀️
your friendships are too shallow?