Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 150
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I’ll pay for the artist and everyone’s therapy 😭
This manhwa is need a big therapy
Same guys . She was so beatiful but now she looks like a mess
I agree! I always thought fl was very pretty, I get the poor and dingy look author was going for but now? She is in an overall better place but her features are mid and her hair, cmon. Do better
Ml took all the author time please give a glow up too to the fl
@Lulukitty I agree, I noticed the FL art changed for the worse 😀
Am I the only one who thinks the female lead is getting ugly? Why is the author doing her so dirty with the faces and the hairstyle
They was fighting yes but that was not bullying. They are jist jealous of him
Bro you’re srsly delulu if you thought that would work🤦🏻♀️
For someone who’s an idiot, did u really think you wouldn’t get a backlash. Even a baby could see it from a mile away🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
bro is gonna see a huge uno reserve card from Baek-siyoon bruh
Wow he is just too pathetic does he not realized that he gonna get a huge backlash later on and he will be ruin