Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 148
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Stand proud sakuna youre strong
@urxndr are you stupid enough to think she would do that?😒🙄
I KNEW he wasn’t an actor😂
don’t tell me that girl with pink hair got the lucid dreaming ability? will she use it to revenge on siyun and jeongmin?? noooooo, don’t touch them pink bitch😡
Bruh let they have a peaceful life pls😭🙏 im too tired for the dramas😭
I will drop this if the author fucks up again
If there’s another love interest i’ll actually drop this manwha. Please just let it end here i’m getting sick of there constantly being new drama
Ohh my whats sthis this is taking too long to the ending. Is there another drama? Its starting to get board, i want to see yandere siyoon if he cant do it anymore please just end it.
[email protected]
Unpopular opinion: Ihate this episode. It feels like they were just talking about how they are no longer obsessed with the other. I mean, I love this BECAUSE of the crazy Si-Yoon. If this is how it ends- I’ll be pissed. I’m just going to pretend the series stopped after Jeongmin told him she can’t live without him.
honestly, i wouldn’t be mad if the series ended here. like, jeongmin and siyoon getting their happy ever after., them losing the ability to lucid dream and jbe happy. I don;t want another drama. THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS ARE ENOUGH! I don’t want them to go through sufferings anymore., they already got their char developments. T^T
Pls pls i don’t want that pink hair girl to use her ability to get between ml and fl we came so far now I don’t want any trouble let them have a happy ending the pibk hair girl can have her happy ending with someone else.
Maybe this is a sign of a spin off Series with pink hair
It doesn’t matter if the pink haired girl really get Siyoon ability or not. Just let Siyoon and Jeongmin get their happy ending. Just end this already!
ohhh isn’t that sister of pink head who committed suicide? now what? will she come to like ML?