Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 146
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My anxiety throughout this chapter📈📉
Joe mama
mhh, i wouldn’t let that pass like she did tho, mhhhh
Ahhh I’m so relieved 🥹🥹🥹 I can finally breathe
[email protected]
I was so worried he was a different person.
@Bellastar, the co actress he acted with in the movie
Bro show me DETAILS !!!!!!!
For those who are confuse, he didn’t do any sexual thing with another person. Usually actors only act things out same woth bed scenes. So there is no cheating. I can’t understand where this cheating is coming from. If it is pornography then there really is something happening but he isn’t a porn star. He is an actor doing sexy scene. Some of you need reading comprehension these days. It is like saying that if an actor is doing a bed scene with another actor that isn’t their partner that, that actor is cheating. It is just an unreasonably accusation honestly
Oh come onnnn i never wished for a manhwa to be smut this much😭
@Majadee which other girl?
So?? The chapter didn’t still clarify if he did “it” to that other girl or not.
He obsessed
He obsessed
They obsessed
Forgave her way to easy for her almost cheating on him she really was about to pull the he Didn’t answer the so ima cheat bs
Shit! Lucky bitch! ( in a good way) I wanna sexy man like that too I am okay with that amount of crazy too
bananamilk >♡<!!
goofy psychos makin me so brain ded 😋😭
Omg yayy