Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 145
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Am enjoying this and it’s bad I low-key want a crazy girlfriend like her
wtf bro, nah im out
just what’s wrong with him?
How could he bro I know that she accept what you want to be or do but this you could’ve decline but you accept to do as the male lead and the bed scene.
Am i the only one here who thinks Siyon is fucking with her??! I can bet on it😁
I’m pretty sure he is a mafia boss. Or at least the Ceo of a company
Is he F*CKING SERIOUS ?!!!!!! 🤬 How dare he ?!
WHAT? HE ACTUALLY DID IT WITH ANOTHER WOMAN?? Why would he do that with another woman even when they were technically not over yet
I think that i can understand her feeling too.
He really get into my nerves!! He’s seem off!!
And… i feels disappointed too after i know he’s an actor.
If i was her… i want to turn my back & ignore him (like… clear my head & trying to digest what is happening and will happen)
But… because what happened in the past…. she can’t let him go.
But… if she want to accept him & get rid of her over thinking….
The keys is… focus on her own life, be an independent woman, don’t think to much & let him do as much as he wants.
Can anything be much easier like elsa on frozen “let it goooo~ let it gooo~”
yeahhhh something seems a bit off about him
I thought Siyun took another path and not in entertainment… I really thought he became a businessman like his dad.
There’s something I don’t like about their relationship, after those years when they didn’t see each other, why wouldn’t you want to spend more time with your girlfriend? Siyoon acts a bit indifferent towards her, now that he’s an actor and filming intimate scenes with other women, even if it’s acting that’s betrayal, and it’s like there’s an air of superiority around him, and here co-worker really didn’t bother him at all? he’s really a bastard, honestly I don’t like the relationship from now on, something has changed in Siyoon, it’s like he doesn’t care about her, doesn’t he really love her? I can’t really understand him, at the time he filmed those scenes how could he be thinking of her? how much more does he want to hurt her? Stupid Siyoon 😤
But he didn’t say NO to the bed scene 😭😭😭
He’s an actor omg he’s acting just to see her reaction but siyoon it’s going too far😭
Werrrr….they should not starts again, cuz i stopped reading and came back when i learned seyoon came back….but pls don’t start again wit the toxic relationship
I like his comeback but I don’t like how their relationship is now. Now I want their toxic self back. Because for me Unloyalty is something I can’t tolerate. Even if you said that it was just an acting, that will never changed the fact that you DID IT.
Oh I like that now she is the obsessed one .Make his life difficult , let him see how he was in the past .
No hes not, he was always obssesive and controlling before and things were kinda ugly ao hes trying to be better and lets not forget that it was her udea that they stop communicating with each other. I feeling hes trying to be accomodating of her while working on himself, though id o feeling they have yet to have an honest conversation on how theyve both been doing
I’m not gonna lie, Siyun is being a bit of a bastard. I mean, he hasn’t seen her in ages and yk