Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 142
You don't have anything in histories
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Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd! Thank gawd I didn’t drop this!
Kiss after puke…thats love
They were only teens when they feel in love with each other and since both had traumas they became close. Their traumas made their relationship toxic. Again thery were teens and some adult also end up in a toxic relationship. Sometimes they had troubles getting out from it or fix it. So since both party decided to better themselves and get back together once they are mature enough to have a healthy relationship rather than a toxic one, they were able to find themselves and function in the society. Since they still love each other after 4 yrs of separation that they weren’t able to contain their excitement. I have never been in a relationship but their story may have been “made up” according to those who aren’t satisfied with this, there are still people who can relate to this. They may not have met the same results as the fl and ml atleast they can still relate. Afterall most stories written are bases on someone else’s experience. For those who don’t like this kinds of manhwas/stories just simply stop reading it and find something that is up your alley. Don’t belittle people who enjoy stories that are different from yours. Respect begets respect.
Just little more.. we’re at the good spot we’ve been waiting for.. need moreeee
The hungry wolf and the sly fox🙈🤭🤭🤭