Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 14
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@dogeat3rr nope ur not the only one……..i’m glad she heard them gossiping, NOW TAKE REVENGE!
why is there like double the pic or is it js me
yes fl is sooo stupid she knows the truth they ain’t actually her friends but choose to not only turn blind eye but reveal everything she honestly now bought up shit for herself seriously will she really learn after getting slapped it would’ve been better to take advice from ml but guess she won’t learn unless she is slapped also she enjoys bitchy gossips ehh
@junnieplum honestly fr
I get jeongmin is hopeful to make friends but she’s also kinda stupid? she already knows eunju worships juhyeon, knows the whole class is on juhyeon’s side, knows sora likes to shit talk other people, knows juhyeon had the whole class against her. but she still makes bad decisions that will bite her in the ass. shouldnt she know by now that every one’s perception of her is already warped and that because of the crowd mentality nobody will side with her no matter what? hope hearing the two of them talk gives her a sense of the situation she is in so she can make better decisions about how to handle all this going forward because unfortunately no one there is going to help her
It is like watching someone play a Telltale or Dark Anthologies game. You know the choices are really meaningless, but you still vehemently disagree with the path others took. Only reason to play the game yourself in the first place.
Unknownmanwha crazy
Do not drop this