Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 137
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Joe mama
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@GhostPepperLove I agree with you.
@bubgbix6 People grow and learn all the time. Nobody that’s trying to work on themselves stays the way they are especially if they are agreeing to purposely take time apart from each other to work on themselves so they can comeback into a healthy relationship. This was the most mature way the author could reintroduce their relationship and we possibly get a happy ending that doesn’t send a bad message.
honestly this is the kind of ending I wanted, where everyone was happy, they matured, and they are willing to be independent. I really do enjoy this ending, no matter what anyone else says this ending has no sense of morals, they just want everyone to be unhappy well fuck you.
if this is the ending thts insane. there both abusive they wont recover from wtv they have goin on i see it now, the manhwa is superfical i doubt theyll get better
It’s not over. We still have chapter 138 and the author said after that she will be taking a break and then come back. I do assume 138 is the end of the main story and her return will be side stories, but she didn’t specify that. But she also just started a new series so that’s why I’m assuming
Side story please must show
Geez it says in the bottom part “To be continued” it’s not the ending yet…
people who aren’t satisfied with this ending
what did u want it to be? if they still were like how they used to be they wouldn’t of have been happy
im happy but also unhappy
Wait so that it no reunion and he propose to her later this was it?! Nooooooo it can’t be
Emmy Chan
It’s really over. SO UNSATISFYING. I SHOULDVE KNOWN IT WAS GOING TO END LIKE THIS. At some point the story just wasn’t as good as before. This used to be my favorite but now it’s definitely not.
Nanny Adam
Wait the book didn’t right?
But their love is strong, I don’t think so anything can come in between their relationship and this chapter was written well
My fav characters are finally healing, what on earth can i want more than this. 😭
In real life my friend and her boyfriend had such a toxic relationship but after they got apart cuz he went to another city for colleges (which he was forcing my friend to leave her spot on the one of the most prestigious university in our country and go with him to a 3rd rated college but shedidn’tacceptcuz her parents didn’tlet her) he met another girl after a month and never came back for my friend who was waiting for him😓😓😓😓😓😓 so never expect a real boy to be a fictional man
Please continue
Awwww they’re makeing progress 😭😭😭I love them so much