Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 132
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Yup that’s what they say RIGHT before they die
Emmy Chan
I wanna see things take an actual interesting route. I love these characters so much but this all needs more depth.
so in order for my brain to not go on overload
I’ll just compile my thoughts here for a sec
Jeongmin has gained separation anxiety and is now akin to a dog who can’t leave her owner? Except she is also a yandere now? And the people she used to care about/have a complicated relationship with are out the window
Siyun is not yandere anymore but at the same time he is because Ig old habits die hard
CEO dude is scared of siyun(I think I forgot but I vaguely remember siyun threatening him, I’m definitely wrong) but sees more potential in him than anyone else
Siyun’s life has turned around and now he has parents and friends while Jeongmin’s descends in to madness
Siyun still hasn’t talked things out with Jeonmin and hasn’t said he had to move bc Jeongmin’s way too anxious as it is
yeah idk wtf is happening bc this manhwa could’ve ended 20 chapters ago before all this drama happened with a happy but controlling ever after
this manhwa is madness