Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 125
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I never thought I would cry for this manga.Feeling relived after seeing siyun with a normal human expression..
I hope we get a happy ending
Ghad, i din’t know that a manhwa could make me cry so much.
a happy ending at last . . .
Ah finally they r together oh my they made me cry so much
Did I just read 3 different translations of this just to feel it three times? Yes. Am I crying? Also yes.
I am crying right now I loved theme both please do more updates
crying from the bottom of my heart
[email protected]
Ummmm…I do love them…but I don’t know how I feel about her saying she wouldn’t be able to live without him. I think she’d survive. I don’t like that they seem to have switched roles. But, that’s just my opinion. I’m still happy they got back together.
Misssana34 if you see your boyfriend’s gone and see his phone in the trash would you fucking care??!😐😑
Fuck what’s wrong with today this is my third time crying today🥲💔
Did she just pick up something from trash in hospital……. I know the infectious waste is separated but still😐😐😐😐…………a
Thank goodness my heart now it’s healing about this chapter ❤️❤️🩹😭😭
I hope this is it, I would be satisfied with this ending. ❤️🩹