Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 124
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I’m glad that ml is actually leaving bcz his trying to protect her and also fl should know that she is not alone bcz she has her friends but at the end of the day I just hope they will get back together honestly 😕🤞🏾
I knew they were both crazy, but hey, it’s just a story and I’m all for seeing jeongmin’s crazy side come out again
I’m extremely disappointed by the outcome 😡
They both are crazy dawg
They swapped roles and now ml is trying to run away
I’m upset though.. she only had him to lean on and now there’s no one else..
they- they switched roles?
im glad he did that you know why? cuz she needs to learn that he was only trying to protect her, yeah he has his issues but he did it to protect her and what she had to do was help him as his partner, and her thinking that he killed her father was so wrong now shes gonna know how it feels when he starts dating that girl with the pink hair cuz thats basically what i see is gonna happen so the tables are gonna turn
It’s so sad and break my heart
l understand he take that decision but it’s too much for her to accept. He make her obsessed with him and then, Break up
come on that not funny at all.
We haven’t seen that look in her eyes since te beginning of the story
Woah the roles are being switched
Nooooo please no please noooo
I can understand her I’m as crazy as her I know how much she love her please don’t gooo Siyoon my love
OMG!!! crazy X crazy….
Other couples match their clothes this couple match their mental illness 😂💔
Mrs. Gojo
What the hell siyun!? Give us the happy ending we wantttttt!!!