Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 120
You don't have anything in histories
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At least she wants to start over and now they can live peacefully I hope 🤞🏾
yall im gonna cry they’ been thru sm 😭😭
Okay, although the last few chapters have been wild and super sad,. Cried so much. But, I’m loving Jeongmin playing an uno reverse just to throw siyun for a loop. She doesn’t want to give up on you, even if you have given up on yourself
Sion you broke my heart on christmas,,, BUT MINNIE U GO GIRL!!!!
I think he pretending not to remember her
When the father said « how dare you talk to your parents like that » I was so mad like you said those exact same words to your own son😤😤
Kiss him !!!!
NOW !!!!
Sigh… these two crazy kids just freaking communicate one another seriously and finally be happy dammit!!!!