Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 112
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Tbh I really did not like the fl’s attitude in this situation bcz how can u defend someone who abused u and ur mother like u can’t be fr like I actually support ml for doing that but still he also needs to try to control his anger sometimes but still I’m very disappointed in fl she’s toooooooo soft and I don’t like that
This guy is so 🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵 I don’t care if he’s mental or fatal he’s so cute 🥰
fl you fool staying still? how long? this cruel abuse he did all those years and still u weren’t able to put him at place so how come abusing him will get u in danger when laws are that shitty ML is not at fault it’s a natural reaction tf were u doing this whole time when yo dad was running rampant ugh
ugh I’m really starting to dislike yeongmin for acting soft..
moreover, this chapter really made me rethink about how I feel about yeongmin, although because siyun promised yeongmin he wouldn’t resort to violence that was no way to get mad at him, yes you didn’t want someone to get hurt but that doesn’t justify yeonmin’s dad action of forcefully pulling yeongmin by her hair. Yeongmin just doesn’t know what is wrong and what is right and so does siyun, both of them are mentally ill, i believe they both should get couples therapy together as a way to fix these misunderstandings and communicate.
Idk if I’m just reading this manhwa too much but like wouldn’t si yoon punching her dad be any normal boyfriends reaction to like their girlfriend being physically dragged by their hair by their abusive father. I’m not saying I justify his past actions but I think hitting her father back was justifiable