Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 107
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I love how giant Siyun has grown and he works out a LOT. Our boy got lots of muscles. Try and pick a fight underlings
funny part ML had some real growth spurt he’s much taller than he was before but others are still the same
@Jennie.Rose Real
I love how they love each other so much
I wish i have a special someone who can brighten my day.
I hope nothing happened 😭 but wait the Yejun guy told his friends to beat Siyun up but he’s there and looks all good so what happened to them? It’s not that I don’t trust him I know he’s changed but I’m just curious of how he managed to get out of this situation (I’m pretty worried though 😩)
I was so worried!😭 I thought he got hurt!
His day just gets bright at a sight of her 🥺🥺🥺