Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 105
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I’m hoping he stop being delulu about her leaving him n stuff
I’m so happy everyone is rooting for siyun and yeongmin again after he changed his ways and actually listens to yeongmin again. oh my sweet boy.. hes grown so much over these last chapters.
His parents are so shitty for believing a complete stranger over their son.
i love how hes trying to change just for her it shows how much he loves her too instead of being toxic hes being a healthy bf
If a woman makes you want to be better, that’s a good woman, wife her!
If she doesn’t make you want to be a better version of yourself… there’s all the signs you need 😉
That’s CD right there!
[email protected]
I’m love these two so much!
Anecy Scarlet
When some stranger told me something about my child I never going to belive it, when my child told otherwise
I’m glad he’s trying to be a better person for her 🥺🥺
His parents are really shitty