Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 103
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yeah same . . .
Bangchans rubber duck
I feel like he should become an actor but not under the previous ceo.
Haha..Nice one..right?
Yeah so people wondering about his parents..
No he’s not an orphan. His parents were trash and didnt support his dreams at all so he ran away that’s when ceo took him in (either he met ceo before or after running away i dont remember)
So yeah his parents are still around.. I guess they were kind of rich too..
I forgot about his parents too…. Wasn’t he an orphan and the Leo took him in? Can someone refresh my memory pls?
Mc vasachi
Wow there jeongmin u just stroke a nerve ………we …um.. ….a …… don’t talk about his parents .. those shit heads
Nanny Adam
His parents were an ass🤬
What happened with the parents? I forgot
Guess who
hope it continues like this
also his parents are a bit………….. um… ya know…………