Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 101
You don't have anything in histories
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I love you both. This is the reason why. Even though you both went off the rails a bit. I knew you both were hurting and needed to have a proper conversation about how you really feel.
We all have our ups and downs in life and we are all lucky if we have one person who truly loves us and want to help each other become better people together.
hmm but what work does her mom do? and finally they talked now I just want them to have karma for all shit that have been done
That all i’ve been waiting, you guys finally talked about it, now i can start loving Siyun as much as i did before Good job Girly
communication is key i guess???? I don’t even know why I’m still reading, I was about to die😭😭😭😭😭
Is the crazy pyscho siyoon finally realize what he did? Yayy
Abby will it be here in 9th August
chapter 102 will be be here on the 9th