Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 10
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Mikasa A.
OK this is painful.As someone who has been bullied and lived in a abusive household the only thing that made me think everything is going to be alright was my two besties.Seing the FL been taken advantage of by these horrible girls, makes me want to cry.I’m waiting for the moment she finds happiness,really
don’t they have any shame doing this to someone what they are doing is so worse than they realize and FL are u stupid these bitches were silent all along so u didn’t get sus them approaching u eh?????
those ugly bitches are using her for her fucking money.
hayst piste
ummm yeahh so they are GOLD DIGGERS basically
I think I got Juhyeon’s motives wrong last chapter. I was probably just overestimating her mental capacity. Juhyeon just wanted to use Jeongmin’s anguish to pass the time and entertain herself. But now that Juhyeon is taking a little break(or not, who knows what type of schemes she’s up to now), these two red flags come out. I know it might be too early to judge them, but the fact that Soda even borrowed money while her parents are on a BUSINESS TRIP and she’s planning on going to the AMUSEMENT PARK with Eunju says that she’s obviously up to know good and probably manipulating Jeongmin into being their doormat. I hope that my intuition is wrong this time because knowing Jeongmin’s situation at home, the whole borrowing money thing isn’t going to do her any good. And it’s making me really angsty considering the possibily of Jeongmin suffering from fake friends.
Yong Hee Choi
I think all these are the works of Juhyeon.
I have a bad premonition.