god not the mommy issues?! and he’s already accepting that he would fine if she killed him???!! how did he go from “lol she’s just a stranger i met a few days ago” to “i love a woman who can just straight up murder me”
Basically the world he lives in is full of darkness, lies, and betrayal and he knows she sees the same and yet, she is able to bring brightness? For the first time since his dead mother? Obviously our man is not okay (cold blooded murder in the last chapter) hence why he obsesses and clings to what he sees as a woman “too good for this sinful earth” because he wants that warmth for himself
1. That thing like healing that he studies. Definitely poison. He’s use to picking these herbs because they can be used as poison. You know what they say about medicine after all.
2. Honestly, him falling in love so quickly doesn’t feel as unrealistic as other certain stories. Odd were 50/50 whether he’d find her determination to smile endearing or disgusting and given his mother was the same way…
He’s got SO MANY mommy issues I’m feeling for that girl
Also his mother was stupid as fuck. Why would you knowling drink poisoned tea and leave your 6 yo son behind without protection???? Hope there’s more to this story
bro u literally just met her a few days ago and now ur saying u’d drink poisoned tea if she offered it to you? even i wouldnt do that with a partner i’ve known for YEARS.
I Cant_Sleep
These comments passed the vibe check✅
Haha I guess the saying of Love really is blind it was true after all… ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)
I’m very distracted by FL’s giant boobs.
Why did the artist draw 2 basketballs there… too distracting. 😳😳😳
Let’s call it love from first sight
No please …the person u love shudnt poison u man comeon…use ur head
Mans needs some heavy therapy
god not the mommy issues?! and he’s already accepting that he would fine if she killed him???!! how did he go from “lol she’s just a stranger i met a few days ago” to “i love a woman who can just straight up murder me”
Wow. This guy is disturbed. Hot but wacko.
I love yandere
I ❤ tye comments😂😂
His mother fetish gots to go
Basically the world he lives in is full of darkness, lies, and betrayal and he knows she sees the same and yet, she is able to bring brightness? For the first time since his dead mother? Obviously our man is not okay (cold blooded murder in the last chapter) hence why he obsesses and clings to what he sees as a woman “too good for this sinful earth” because he wants that warmth for himself
1. That thing like healing that he studies. Definitely poison. He’s use to picking these herbs because they can be used as poison. You know what they say about medicine after all.
2. Honestly, him falling in love so quickly doesn’t feel as unrealistic as other certain stories. Odd were 50/50 whether he’d find her determination to smile endearing or disgusting and given his mother was the same way…
He’s got SO MANY mommy issues I’m feeling for that girl
Also his mother was stupid as fuck. Why would you knowling drink poisoned tea and leave your 6 yo son behind without protection???? Hope there’s more to this story
bro u literally just met her a few days ago and now ur saying u’d drink poisoned tea if she offered it to you? even i wouldnt do that with a partner i’ve known for YEARS.
boy you have some strange ideas about love…
He fell head over heals for her
bro has mummy issues LMAOOO not him falling for a girl because he sees his mum in her 😩
Oi, cupid’s arrow pierced this man’s heart 😂😂. I can sense an obsessive puppy here