The more that i look at yhe brooche the more im wondering how in the world did she make that??? Does she have a jewelers bench? How did she solder the metal work together? How did she put the glass gems in? Does she have glass cutters on hand when she made it? 🤔
The part when someone threw a cupcake at FL is comically tragic. All of these people are aristocrats, aren’t they? They are the highest level of society. Why the hell are the acting like bratty 3 years olds?
rereading this and I still find it funny that pure villain interrupts
suddenly pure villain interupts lol
Reader is L
The more that i look at yhe brooche the more im wondering how in the world did she make that??? Does she have a jewelers bench? How did she solder the metal work together? How did she put the glass gems in? Does she have glass cutters on hand when she made it? 🤔
Rain Trevil
@Leileyani just skip the repeated parts from prev chap and you’ll get it.
Also, I think the scanlation for this one changed? Hope they’ll translate more chaps
You guys were able to understand what’s going on? Many of the panels are out of order.
they threw that cupcake taking a chance it could hit the other guy and then what? they should still get in trouble
Spring and Summer
The part when someone threw a cupcake at FL is comically tragic. All of these people are aristocrats, aren’t they? They are the highest level of society. Why the hell are the acting like bratty 3 years olds?
Bullshit,just go away. Why it needs to be him? Yuji is a good match for her,not that fucking crow of a duke