MexicanMary it would have been SO differnet if she had bene asked, its no like ella would have said no. Or have been said: I’ll have it repaired and returned to you once she’s done with it. I do remember it is yours. 🙂 October 10, 2024 at 9:39 pm Log in to Reply
baby im not even hallucination i feel bad for cin (i genuinely forgot her real name). I hope Zabotte learns to stand up to her mother and give Cin her mother’s necklace back. April 17, 2023 at 9:12 am Log in to Reply
it would have been SO differnet if she had bene asked, its no like ella would have said no. Or have been said: I’ll have it repaired and returned to you once she’s done with it. I do remember it is yours. 🙂
baby im not even hallucination
i feel bad for cin (i genuinely forgot her real name). I hope Zabotte learns to stand up to her mother and give Cin her mother’s necklace back.