YEEEEEEES!!! Tell him all those truths and more, make him feel sorry and crawl back on his knees. N1 reason I haven’t dropped this was to read her trash him like this, and now to see him feel the regret and realize what trash he is
Good on you for finally telling him off!
But I’m just a little peeved that all these dumb guys keep getting in the way of her girlbossing. I hate even more that the worst one of them all is probably endgame!
YEEEEEEES!!! Tell him all those truths and more, make him feel sorry and crawl back on his knees. N1 reason I haven’t dropped this was to read her trash him like this, and now to see him feel the regret and realize what trash he is
Shiv bhatt
He should get kicked in the balls, the sight of him makes me wanna puke 🤮
That’s why I like Kairos more, even the prince would be better than Lazzes.
@HoneyToast sadly yes… We even know the obvious trash/annoying ml
Good on you for finally telling him off!
But I’m just a little peeved that all these dumb guys keep getting in the way of her girlbossing. I hate even more that the worst one of them all is probably endgame!