IsekaiTillIDie then live again Seriously, PRIORITIES! 👏 Your parents?? Kidnapped persons?? Location of and reason for endless monster invasion?? October 17, 2024 at 7:34 am Log in to Reply
Lightning-Kun what’s wrong with her? shouldn’t she try to find out about her parents and teach lesson to that scum emperor but no why do she have to think that way about someone who was affectionate to her smh April 1, 2024 at 5:43 am Log in to Reply
IsekaiTillIDie then live again
Seriously, PRIORITIES! 👏 Your parents?? Kidnapped persons?? Location of and reason for endless monster invasion??
If you spread that he will actually prove it💀
what’s wrong with her? shouldn’t she try to find out about her parents and teach lesson to that scum emperor but no why do she have to think that way about someone who was affectionate to her smh
No but what😭what is she doing
Bro is an emperor….Okay.Shore.
Girl NO hes ur future husband
Mrs. Gojo