I do agree, he is improving. I won’t, however, take back my words. I still feel like he was toying with her for some as yet unfathomable reason. Now does he still give those vibes? On the surface, no. But for someone in the position of nobility, much less an Emperor, you learn very quickly to guard your emotions.
IsekaiTillIDie then live again
Yes, so much yes. I agree with Razzirin.
I do agree, he is improving. I won’t, however, take back my words. I still feel like he was toying with her for some as yet unfathomable reason. Now does he still give those vibes? On the surface, no. But for someone in the position of nobility, much less an Emperor, you learn very quickly to guard your emotions.
Love obsessed men in manhwas
I take my words back. he is improving
We didn’t meet the eldest sister yet