Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady With The Lamp - Chapter 128
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You don't have anything in histories
Yeah yeah you killed his family & now you are behaving like a victim here .
Bastards . I hope lise will be safe
Maybe if she had a brain in her head and could take a hint, she wouldn’t have been tormented
You walk the path you choose and she chose to be a dumb ass who couldn’t take a hint and stop being a leech to a man who already loved someone else
These people have no reason to take Revenge, they went through nothing and got exactly what they deserved
I get Michael wants to protect his family but just because they’re family doesn’t mean their always right, you reap what you sow and that’s exactly what they were and will be doing
i thought it was just mils mom doing and he was just covering up for his sister but nah man dude is shelfish as heck
Elise saved his son and also helps whenever his sister is sick
dude wants throne so that his future generation be at peace
he literally killed lindens mom and daughter and not even an ounces of sorrow
thankfully he dies