@I Cant_Sleep you made me laugh so hard rn 😂 cuz that’s leggit what I think when there’s something serious going
“Go fetch an adult”
“You’re an adult”
“No no, someone more… adult-er”
ho… oh yea this common element pros if remembering it’s a novel
-you get FL aura
-even if you are dumb ML thinks you are enigmatic
-even villainess never became empress you treat & think of her like one
-you get powers = ML gets more into you
Why am I getting second hand embarrassment 😭😭
Well, her daghter was said to be a spiritualist or something like that.
My comment somehow posted twice in wrong places and I’m very confused but somewhat amused. I only posted it once and it was chapters back.
@I Cant_Sleep you made me laugh so hard rn 😂 cuz that’s leggit what I think when there’s something serious going
“Go fetch an adult”
“You’re an adult”
“No no, someone more… adult-er”
If you get slapped with a hand with rings on it, it leaves a nice mark. I can tell some of you have no fight experience.
@I Cant_Sleep lmaooo 😭😭😭
I Cant_Sleep
Children, if you hear a weird sound from a closed room, don’t open the door, consult an adult. And if you’re an adult, CONSULT an adult-er adult
wait did she said that little fairy’s cry was that of a woman? not a girl?
ho… oh yea this common element pros if remembering it’s a novel
-you get FL aura
-even if you are dumb ML thinks you are enigmatic
-even villainess never became empress you treat & think of her like one
-you get powers = ML gets more into you