wow, I’m so annoyed, tempted to skip ahead to after this plot point is resolved. The face thing is silly and I don’t care if it’s modeled after a famous myth, we’ve come up with much better stories since then. Taking elements of old stories is one thing but can’t we only keep the ones that make sense?
Omg is he for real?! This plot point is sooooooooooo stupid! Make it make sense! make it so at night he becomes more monster like so the blind folding makes sense. Or make some other time of the day where he can’t bee seen. his home is full of people and no one is being weird about his looks but him….not a single person is like he is so scary looking sometimes, like NO ONE! And the brothers sudden visit what the what? Maybe I should drop this?
I can’t handle the “face thing”, please end it, is not good enough 🙁
wow, I’m so annoyed, tempted to skip ahead to after this plot point is resolved. The face thing is silly and I don’t care if it’s modeled after a famous myth, we’ve come up with much better stories since then. Taking elements of old stories is one thing but can’t we only keep the ones that make sense?
I reeaallyy don’t like this Triston dude, he not even sexy 🙄
I knew it!
this reminds me of psyche and cupid’s love story lmfao
Omg is he for real?! This plot point is sooooooooooo stupid! Make it make sense! make it so at night he becomes more monster like so the blind folding makes sense. Or make some other time of the day where he can’t bee seen. his home is full of people and no one is being weird about his looks but him….not a single person is like he is so scary looking sometimes, like NO ONE! And the brothers sudden visit what the what? Maybe I should drop this?
it’s a bit ridiculous, she’s already seen his face several times in broad daylight, what’s the point of blindfolding her while they’re having sex…
Ummm Which part of him is ugly exactly? And why do he not like to see him as the duke with his face? Oversensitive? ?
I feel like he’s the one who’s been killing her other husbands