It seems like you have notwatched many manhwas/huas cause there are some manga/hwa/hua where they glorify they’re own (authors country) while downgrading other countries let it be usa china or Japan or south korea . And this female version is still somewhat bearable
One thing which always makes me curious about those mangas, korean and chinese, propably i would also include japanese ones too is why those people are so unrealistic. I mean…females with not just preaty faces and big boobs, overal they look is propably imposible without surgery, slim wait, big boobs and big,firm round booty. To get this kind of rear end they would have to work out a lot, working out would propably decrese breast size. Not to mention to get more muscle they would need more testosterone, more testosterone = less feminine features like cute face. I asume that authors adjust to peoples need and people often want things they dont have. So all in all, it realy looks like while arent particulary fond of gaijins they like how europeans look 😉
Sohit shukla
It seems like you have notwatched many manhwas/huas cause there are some manga/hwa/hua where they glorify they’re own (authors country) while downgrading other countries let it be usa china or Japan or south korea . And this female version is still somewhat bearable
One thing which always makes me curious about those mangas, korean and chinese, propably i would also include japanese ones too is why those people are so unrealistic. I mean…females with not just preaty faces and big boobs, overal they look is propably imposible without surgery, slim wait, big boobs and big,firm round booty. To get this kind of rear end they would have to work out a lot, working out would propably decrese breast size. Not to mention to get more muscle they would need more testosterone, more testosterone = less feminine features like cute face. I asume that authors adjust to peoples need and people often want things they dont have. So all in all, it realy looks like while arent particulary fond of gaijins they like how europeans look 😉