People- he isn’t inove with a weasel. He knows how she looks like because of that potrait, HES IN LOVE WITH HER AND HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT HOW SHE LOOKS LIKE CUZ HE KNOWS THAT SHE IS A HUMAN. understand?
Yeah, nah this man is 100%, full-on in love with a weasel. ? But did you guys notice the creepy advisor to the rival king? Seems sus. ? Like maybe the evil mage returned? And that evil mage….was the princess ex-lover?! ?
She’s still a ferret but sometimes visualized as a human when she’s with the Emperor because he treats her no less than what she originally is, a human. It’s like a visual metaphor type of narration from the Emperor’s point-of-view.
Im_into romance
Idc if she isn’t a ferret she has the body of one so mr prince you aren’t aloud to do anything intimate
People- he isn’t inove with a weasel. He knows how she looks like because of that potrait, HES IN LOVE WITH HER AND HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT HOW SHE LOOKS LIKE CUZ HE KNOWS THAT SHE IS A HUMAN. understand?
Y’all forgettin’ how he wants her to become human, right? So he’s NOT into a weasel.
“Purgatory” hair and eyes… Yeesh the translation is like straight out of Google Translate or something.
Yeah, nah this man is 100%, full-on in love with a weasel. ? But did you guys notice the creepy advisor to the rival king? Seems sus. ? Like maybe the evil mage returned? And that evil mage….was the princess ex-lover?! ?
Im co fused…is she actually becoming human in these shots or is she still a weasel…?
Nope she’s still a weasel
She’s still a ferret but sometimes visualized as a human when she’s with the Emperor because he treats her no less than what she originally is, a human. It’s like a visual metaphor type of narration from the Emperor’s point-of-view.
Oh no she has a trauma!
Oh no