Sucks he’s the only one that can handle the mines for her. I wouldn’t want this guy anywhere near me or my plans, especially when he’s the one that brings in the OG daughter and at her coming of age ceremony like an absolute A-hole. I’m really sick of all these ‘men’ except for the prince, I wish there was just a straight route of happiness she could take with him and forget about balancing these other looser, ok the little brother isn’t as bad though but Eclis, the mage and the older brother are nightmares in there own way to deal with all the time
I purple you is what he means, also he won’t bring no one
Vinter is a nice guy y’all need to zip up
Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
My poor ass dies everytime she burns money
I feel like she’s digging her own grave with the actions she has taken in the last chapters
Her judgement is so hasty…
I think he already met yvonne
He is so suspicious…
i wouldn’t pay that much money on anyone, i’d just wing it…
I don’t like it… and 52% is too low for the way he’s talking.
So he’s met the real one already? I mean if they get close enough maybe it will change his feelings?
Sucks he’s the only one that can handle the mines for her. I wouldn’t want this guy anywhere near me or my plans, especially when he’s the one that brings in the OG daughter and at her coming of age ceremony like an absolute A-hole. I’m really sick of all these ‘men’ except for the prince, I wish there was just a straight route of happiness she could take with him and forget about balancing these other looser, ok the little brother isn’t as bad though but Eclis, the mage and the older brother are nightmares in there own way to deal with all the time