Could the colour represent the type of affection? Deep red -yandere (or would murder for you), red – somewhat normal love, pink – affection or being of love, orange – not affection, but something else?
My heart is for the slave Boi he gives me all the right red flags and he makes my inner aphla howl… …..but I guess the crown prince 🤴 has nice red flags too 😒😮💨
Oh Callisto
Sora! (average scaramouche simp)
@IKiryul perhaps, pink could be admiration or platonic love, no idea bout orange tho
Could the colour represent the type of affection? Deep red -yandere (or would murder for you), red – somewhat normal love, pink – affection or being of love, orange – not affection, but something else?
This. Is. Why. Callisto. Is the standard.
Slave boy is odd…….
My heart is for the slave Boi he gives me all the right red flags and he makes my inner aphla howl… …..but I guess the crown prince 🤴 has nice red flags too 😒😮💨
i like ikies more ;(( ( YES I STILL CALL HIM THAT )
I don’t know about yall but I’m pretty sure he’s at 69% 😏