Dear Villainous Husband , the One to be Obsessed with is Over There - Chapter 50

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Wait, so you started feeling things for her, or was it just an attachment because they are from the same world
Another story about how struggles make love deep, especially toxic ones, but really in reality love shouldn’t make you feel anything negative rather it should make you feel comfortable, happy, safe, like your finally home after a long journey, but this is fiction so ig it doesn’t apply here
I don’t know why but i don’t really like the idea of the main couple having a happy ending. Considering the ml trauma and backstory I still can’t get over his character flaws.
For Eden this world is frictional so ofc he wants to go back to his “real world” from his pov he’s right cuz if I was stuck anywhere I’ll do anything to get back home to my loved ones, that’s why I don’t believe he’s a bad person
I think bad person is in fact this Eden, he dosnt care about anything else than going back to his world. He dont care if people will die and they will die if Actilus falls due to Raniero death.
Not me here reading this even though I’ve translated all the recent chapters with Google Translate
@Fleur de lis yess i also want them to endup together
If angie will give him a chance im sure he will change for her
Is Angie Saint ?
You know Raniero is basicly traigc person ? He was raised as family killer , he get women he wanted, he said her that thsi family killings end now. But she was stupid enoug to stick to original story even soo she changed it so much. Raniero is not a vilian but victi, of stupid storry. And Angela insteand of asking him for sftit death later on she should just askt for simple forgiwnes and that she want a happy family.
Fleur de lis
I still want them to end up together haizzzzz….