I think if you all imagine what it was like before the story started then, we can just use examples of other stories like, the nobles are corrupt as well or the royal family is evil and smart and powerful. We usually see an evil stupid royal family or a powerful evil stupid royal family, not one with all three
So these ridiculously evil people are in power, and the only opposition was one ducal family? Or maybe there were more, but… they really caught all of the rebels in one fell swoop? I’m just trying to find a way for this to make sense.
So what’s the explanation for her to let Tristan starving and abandoned in the jail? She could’ve just come to see him using any good excuse but she didn’t
I think if you all imagine what it was like before the story started then, we can just use examples of other stories like, the nobles are corrupt as well or the royal family is evil and smart and powerful. We usually see an evil stupid royal family or a powerful evil stupid royal family, not one with all three
So these ridiculously evil people are in power, and the only opposition was one ducal family? Or maybe there were more, but… they really caught all of the rebels in one fell swoop? I’m just trying to find a way for this to make sense.
So what’s the explanation for her to let Tristan starving and abandoned in the jail? She could’ve just come to see him using any good excuse but she didn’t
I don’t really understand what’s going on lol. Idk if I’m just dumb or the translations are just bad
Your mine
I just hope you can find a very strong and reliable ally princess , so it won’t take too long for tristan to be a slave..