blubrrycantspel that woman looked like a man and i was so confused thinking she was going to secretly be the ml April 27, 2023 at 5:51 am Log in to Reply
FaeBreeze Oh man, her coup failed, and she’s trying to reposition for a new attempt? This could be really good. November 30, 2022 at 3:03 am Log in to Reply
Rococochoco her brother and father clearly love and trust her it would have been easier for the princess to ask them to join her for tea and she just poison it? November 28, 2022 at 9:19 pm Log in to Reply
that woman looked like a man and i was so confused thinking she was going to secretly be the ml
Oh man, her coup failed, and she’s trying to reposition for a new attempt? This could be really good.
her brother and father clearly love and trust her it would have been easier for the princess to ask them to join her for tea and she just poison it?
It’s too early to judge but,nahh..🙎
Spring and Summer
It looks promising
This is actually really interesting 😯
Chan khuman
Oh nice, looking forward. 🤨🤔