What the FUCK. Who the fuck does he think he is to invade into her personal life like bitch ya’ll broke up a long time ago I want him to go in Black Dolphin Prison in Russia like this garbage deserves to suffer (disclaimer:Black Dolphin Prison i search it up on safari and it’s the most strict prison in the world and it’s found in Russia and I’m not Russian just want to let the person reading the comments be cleared ☺️)
I hope he gets beaten up by our ml like why does he want to interfere in his ex’s life like just go shew move
I am a hopeless romantic
What the FUCK. Who the fuck does he think he is to invade into her personal life like bitch ya’ll broke up a long time ago I want him to go in Black Dolphin Prison in Russia like this garbage deserves to suffer (disclaimer:Black Dolphin Prison i search it up on safari and it’s the most strict prison in the world and it’s found in Russia and I’m not Russian just want to let the person reading the comments be cleared ☺️)
Amber 101
I’m going to beat up that bowl cut bastard. WHOS WITH ME
This punk wanna get punch
My question is why are you even in her personal business?
I love the animation in this
My question is why do you are buddy? Didn’t you say she was nothing anyway? If she is nothing to you stop being such a punk about it.
Bish wtf?