She has every right to be annoyed with that other girl because it’s very clear that she is doing everything on purpose. She wants his attention so bad and wants to spread rumors of them being together.
I mean her last boyfriend probably has been negging her and she isn’t a successful actor, not to mention her competition is very pretty, recognized for being pretty and can actually be around her man without any fear.
Well she was betrayed once. You cant just magically heal that trauma. Plus her new boyfriend is way past her league (and her ex), plus her opponent was a famous actress??? Her wounded self esteem from her past relationship will plummet rock bottom with this set up. Plus mr. Boyfriend here has the habit of omitting the important facts in his sentences. You can’t really blame yura
spicy chilli
opppa , fuck u bitch
That bitch needs to go like asap my blood is boiling 😡🤬🤬🤬
I am a hopeless romantic
“Bangs table like nicki minaj x2” EXCUSE ME!!
She has every right to be annoyed with that other girl because it’s very clear that she is doing everything on purpose. She wants his attention so bad and wants to spread rumors of them being together.
Amber 101
Why do I reset to this girlie so much, I overthink everything just like her
Zhongli simp
She overthinks everything gosh ???
I mean her last boyfriend probably has been negging her and she isn’t a successful actor, not to mention her competition is very pretty, recognized for being pretty and can actually be around her man without any fear.
girl her ex dumped her for another girl and turned out to be a garbage bastard,, what do you expect
Well she was betrayed once. You cant just magically heal that trauma. Plus her new boyfriend is way past her league (and her ex), plus her opponent was a famous actress??? Her wounded self esteem from her past relationship will plummet rock bottom with this set up. Plus mr. Boyfriend here has the habit of omitting the important facts in his sentences. You can’t really blame yura
Nooo misunderstanding… we meet again ?