That short hair girl i am very sure she knew there was gonna be paparazzi so she followed him if that bitch trying to ruin our precious couple next thing she will see is hell 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😤 I dispise manhwa and RL wannabe homereakers
Even if she intends to help, that’s too much how would the girlfriend will feel if the present she received was chosen with her boyfriend’s lead actress🙄🙄🙄 she doesn’t have a sense of boundary. Actors can go and buy jewelries and just say it was for their mother or a female relative 🙄
That short hair girl is not as innocent as she seems she knew he had a girlfriend and followed on purpose to get photographed with him to get a scandal
I am a hopeless romantic
That short hair girl i am very sure she knew there was gonna be paparazzi so she followed him if that bitch trying to ruin our precious couple next thing she will see is hell 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😤 I dispise manhwa and RL wannabe homereakers
Amber 101
The other actress seemed really nice and sweet! I don’t want her to in between our precious couple tho D:
Even if she intends to help, that’s too much how would the girlfriend will feel if the present she received was chosen with her boyfriend’s lead actress🙄🙄🙄 she doesn’t have a sense of boundary. Actors can go and buy jewelries and just say it was for their mother or a female relative 🙄
Im guessing she did that knowing that their picture will be publicized- to get in between him and her gf.
It’s real hard since we don’t see internal monologues to often and they are suppose to be professional actors.
I don’t trust the short haired girl she’s up to something and those tears looked fake or forced
im bouta strangle a fictional sonofa HOO
That short hair girl is not as innocent as she seems she knew he had a girlfriend and followed on purpose to get photographed with him to get a scandal