Daughter Of The Emperor - Chapter 16
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Best Manhwa, Comedy, Daughter of the Emperor, Drama, Fantasy, Hot, Hot manhwa, Hwangje-ui Oedongttal, Koutei no Hitori Musume, Listing Hot Comic, manga zin, mangazin, Manhwa, Primogenita del emperador, recommend Slice of Life, recommendation Slice of Life, recommendations Slice of Life, recommended Slice of Life, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life, Slice of Life recommend, Slice of Life recommendation, Slice of Life recommendations, Slice of Life recommended, Top 10 Manhwa, Yunsul, zin manga, Zinmanga, Единственная дочь императора, 황제의 외동딸, 皇帝の一人娘, 皇帝的独生女
How bitter sweet we don’t find manwha like this anymore or even manga or anime.
@busyplant I somewhat agree, but backstory should stir a little sympathy. If we ever get any.
that touched my heart
omfg that was so cute
hmmm im just having trouble getting attached to the dad character :/ like he regrets being a murderous tyrant but like…. he murdered a girl for holding a baby, a girl who he basically kidnapped from her home country to use as a sex slave :/ she had no power, no defenses, and just asked to hold a fucking baby. so when he goes “no one would celebrate my bday cuz ive done bad things” im just like… no shit???? you creepy child-murdering rapist?????? of fucking course no ones happy you’re alive?????????
the comic is funny and i like his slowly softening demeanor but idk, the initial bad impression was pretty strong and i dont feel like he actually regrets the things he did because they were bad, only because now he has to feel bad. i also feel like the narrative is trying to push the idea that he only did all these tyranical things for the empire and okay, sure, i’ll believe that for the off screen murder but like…. what about all the babies you killed? what about the princess you kidnapped as a concubine and then murdered because she dared to hold a baby?? how were any of these things good for the empire?????? ugh
I’m just really having trouble growing attached to him as a character, which sucks cuz i do think the premise and the remaining characters are interesting
So, I would just like to say that this lady has no experience in holding a baby and left a bruise of the female leads body. So, honestly she should be killed for harming royalty. That’s how it works during those times. Also, He has never killed anyone of his people.