excuses my friend cause you made her suffer in the previous time without her knowing how far were u willing to go in order to keep it secret…now that she’s being happy you want her near you on top of that the fake fiance is completely awful she’s using that to mooch of with him
He called the pink one his lover, he was happy when he thought the fl said he could keep his lover, the pink one keeps talking about love affair and how the fl ex doesn’t love the fl (I’m assuming the ex has been telling her this), also why would protecting a child mean he had to set up a second life with the pink one, he could have had a suraget family take him in even adopt him. It’s crap he just want his cake and eat it too. I just don’t understand why the ex won’t just naff off even the prince is monitoring him, the king doesn’t want them together I feel like he just wants something very specific from the fl.
Thats no valid excuse, its shitty. He claims that he doesn’t love pink poop but pink poop keeps talking about their “love” well, i can see pink poop is a bitch and this dog, he was so rude to the og duchess, taking pink poop as his wife immediately after her death. But its a match made in heaven, isn’t it?
say whatever that sill doesn’t excuse ur pathetic behavior, you could’ve protected him without treating her like shit, and I’m sure he is not only with her for boy but using og FL as stabilizer cuz him being Pian n stuff…….. she too is blinded by love this is messed up he needs her but still he is pathetic scum
Reasons can explain your behaviour… but it doesn’t excuse what you’ve done >:P
The audacity of this tacky eyes looking man 😡
Amelia Marie
No wonder the crown prince hates this guy, his supposed “friend” is littéraly planning to dethrone him of his position
excuses my friend cause you made her suffer in the previous time without her knowing how far were u willing to go in order to keep it secret…now that she’s being happy you want her near you on top of that the fake fiance is completely awful she’s using that to mooch of with him
He called the pink one his lover, he was happy when he thought the fl said he could keep his lover, the pink one keeps talking about love affair and how the fl ex doesn’t love the fl (I’m assuming the ex has been telling her this), also why would protecting a child mean he had to set up a second life with the pink one, he could have had a suraget family take him in even adopt him. It’s crap he just want his cake and eat it too. I just don’t understand why the ex won’t just naff off even the prince is monitoring him, the king doesn’t want them together I feel like he just wants something very specific from the fl.
Yess i agree with you all its just so pathetic action and now silly excuses this is his second excuse he is being shameless
Thats no valid excuse, its shitty. He claims that he doesn’t love pink poop but pink poop keeps talking about their “love” well, i can see pink poop is a bitch and this dog, he was so rude to the og duchess, taking pink poop as his wife immediately after her death. But its a match made in heaven, isn’t it?
you can keep protecting him, just leave her alone 🤨
say whatever that sill doesn’t excuse ur pathetic behavior, you could’ve protected him without treating her like shit, and I’m sure he is not only with her for boy but using og FL as stabilizer cuz him being Pian n stuff…….. she too is blinded by love this is messed up he needs her but still he is pathetic scum