And when that moment arrives. Oh~, how I do hope he wipes them all out without a shred of mercy or hesitation, it’s called payback for what they did to he’s previous life when all that happened~ and he’d BETTER do it 10× fold or otherwise.
And he BETTER make it 10 times more intense, or else these chapters are utterly dull and less intriguing, losing my interest and everything else…
I’m so frustrated with that character~~ He’s always causing trouble for our MC and it’s so annoying~~ I just want this conflict to end dramatically already~~ The repeated appearances of minor antagonists are getting tedious~~ These recent chapters make me want to skip ahead to the more exciting parts~~ Can we just reveal the main culprit and resolve it quickly~~?
He is so coooool!
And if you’re reading this late in the night or way early in the morning~
Then go to sleep sugar plum~~ You need to save your energy~
And when that moment arrives. Oh~, how I do hope he wipes them all out without a shred of mercy or hesitation, it’s called payback for what they did to he’s previous life when all that happened~ and he’d BETTER do it 10× fold or otherwise.
And he BETTER make it 10 times more intense, or else these chapters are utterly dull and less intriguing, losing my interest and everything else…
I’m so frustrated with that character~~ He’s always causing trouble for our MC and it’s so annoying~~ I just want this conflict to end dramatically already~~ The repeated appearances of minor antagonists are getting tedious~~ These recent chapters make me want to skip ahead to the more exciting parts~~ Can we just reveal the main culprit and resolve it quickly~~?