The cousin marriage was a thing back then, also they are distant cousins so it won’t affect on children they will make. They are siblings “in law”, not in blood. They are cousins in blood. This is not incest
Geez people their like 3rd or more cousins removed from each other. It’s actually perfect ok legally and genetically for cousins to marry if their 2nd or more removed.
Even if people are arguing if it’s incest or not, it’s legally incest. And for me, even if they are ‘distantly’ related and technically ok, it’s off putting especially since they share similar features. Ex. Hair and eye color
awhhh look at the twins actually liking their cousin..they’ll be lonely without their cousin. I cant see Ciel being turned into a romantic interest and it wouldn’t make sense to make her into one either.
oh sweet summer child, incest is sexual relations between people that are closely related to each other.
ML was adopted into the main family so that makes them siblings, legally and cousins by blood, naturally.
Eww not interested in this anymore
Sweet home Lionheart~ *banjo playing*
wait a second are they not related?
called the timeskip
Teukros the Chivalrous
The cousin marriage was a thing back then, also they are distant cousins not siblings in blood, but in law
Teukros the Chivalrous
The cousin marriage was a thing back then, also they are distant cousins so it won’t affect on children they will make. They are siblings “in law”, not in blood. They are cousins in blood. This is not incest
I dont like her eeww
Same I hope she isn’t the fl
Ik that cousins getting together was normal back then
But its still gross
Geez people their like 3rd or more cousins removed from each other. It’s actually perfect ok legally and genetically for cousins to marry if their 2nd or more removed.
why does she like him bruh thats so gross 💀 and idc if it was normal back then
People in these comments acting like cousin incest wasn’t the norm for millenias lmao.
It’s medieval fantasy, of course there might be uncomfortable things.
I don’t know why but i dont like her……. I can’t……
Please dont make her the fl
It’ll be fun to see the twins support him as his subordinates. I love how they didn’t turn it into a toxic sibling relationship.
Even if people are arguing if it’s incest or not, it’s legally incest. And for me, even if they are ‘distantly’ related and technically ok, it’s off putting especially since they share similar features. Ex. Hair and eye color
awhhh look at the twins actually liking their cousin..they’ll be lonely without their cousin. I cant see Ciel being turned into a romantic interest and it wouldn’t make sense to make her into one either.
To everyone who think this is incest. You are Wrong.
They Are Technically Cousins
That is still incest ?
a you fucking stupid thats obviously incest because there family. get fucking educated.
oh sweet summer child, incest is sexual relations between people that are closely related to each other.
ML was adopted into the main family so that makes them siblings, legally and cousins by blood, naturally.
i don’t know why but i want to go on a rampage every time i see her face
YOOOO i had the same feeling…why is that???
Aren’t they related????