I think dude is a great dad honestly his disappointment with his son comes in because he is doing things half heartedly he’s already mentioned that he knows his son likes magic more and has not problem with that that’s why that magician dude is there it’s sad to see Iode be pressed into something he doesn’t really want.
I like dudes descendant. he’s not the best dad since he seems to neglect his kid’s mental and emotional development but that seems more due to his position as the head rather than his personality buuuut he did marry a power hungry woman so who knows?
Honestly the standard for theses kinds of people aren’t high so just the fact he respects the ML even though Eugene isn’t a part of the main family makes him a good guy in my book.
Cele Onee-chan
I think dude is a great dad honestly his disappointment with his son comes in because he is doing things half heartedly he’s already mentioned that he knows his son likes magic more and has not problem with that that’s why that magician dude is there it’s sad to see Iode be pressed into something he doesn’t really want.
I like dudes descendant. he’s not the best dad since he seems to neglect his kid’s mental and emotional development but that seems more due to his position as the head rather than his personality buuuut he did marry a power hungry woman so who knows?
Honestly the standard for theses kinds of people aren’t high so just the fact he respects the ML even though Eugene isn’t a part of the main family makes him a good guy in my book.