Ahem, excuse me but the illustration implies Cyan just fell for a step sibling xD I hope they meant for Cyan to idolize Eugene like a bigger brother or something
The fact that he repeated the same thing Eugene said about being weak and defending his honor on the dinner table. Bro, you two act like a father and son already. And yes! Adopting him would be better so that if he became a patriarch in the future, he won’t be look down due to his origins.
Ahem, excuse me but the illustration implies Cyan just fell for a step sibling xD I hope they meant for Cyan to idolize Eugene like a bigger brother or something
Nice word Patriarch, but will your wife agree? Especially your second wife.
The fact that he repeated the same thing Eugene said about being weak and defending his honor on the dinner table. Bro, you two act like a father and son already. And yes! Adopting him would be better so that if he became a patriarch in the future, he won’t be look down due to his origins.
Cyan: No chance, no way, I won’t say it no no…
What the heck are u interfering
What adoption just because hes better