I don’t like that their appearance was made purposely similar. It has me pay more attention to the aesthetic details than I like. For example, I prefer Camilla’s hair color, but Daisy’s eye color. Daisy also typically has better dresses, but Camilla wears a lot more cute accessories than her. Daisy would look so pretty in those purple petals.
I don’t like that their appearance was made purposely similar. It has me pay more attention to the aesthetic details than I like. For example, I prefer Camilla’s hair color, but Daisy’s eye color. Daisy also typically has better dresses, but Camilla wears a lot more cute accessories than her. Daisy would look so pretty in those purple petals.
What a b….
“A man never forgets the woman that caused him pain. He’ll want me even more.”
Honey, I don’t think he wanted you in the first place. And “…caused him pain?” Is that what we’re calling being a minor annoyance now?
She needs to see a shrink to help her stop being delusional. That woman has no shame truly.
She is gonna learn this lesson again huh ?